Rette die Menschenaffen und ihre Lebensräume


Many people are inspired by their encounters with apes.

For many, it is a profound moment when they realise that human beings are not the only beings on Earth. Non-human beings also display self-awareness, planning and cognitive abilities which most people previously considered to be uniquely human. And as artistic expression is a fundamental part of being human, the Ape Alliance would like to celebrate creativity inspired by apes.

Many artists, writers and photographers also wish to use their talent to help conserve or improve the welfare of apes. If you have created works of art4apes, we’d love to display them here in this virtual gallery. If you have your own site, send us a link and we’ll connect Ape Allies to your site. If you have artistic products to sell, we will promote them if a percentage goes to help apes (please specify which charity benefits and by how much). Please send digital images and brief details to: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

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