Ajude a salvar os grandes símios e dos seus habitats


Join us in the rainforest in 2017

sábado, 14 janeiro 2017 13:49 Volunteer

Our volunteer programme is running again for 2017. Please pass this onto anyone you think may be interested.

We’re looking for volunteers to help with our conservation and research projects in Borneo. Join us in the rainforest in 2017!

Volunteers will join us for 6 weeks to gain first-hand experience of a tropical forest environment, working alongside enthusiastic researchers, and receiving practical training in field survey skills and biodiversity monitoring. Volunteering is challenging, exciting and a rewarding experience. You’ll have the chance to see some of the incredible wildlife that inhabits this special part of the world, including the charismatic orangutan.

There will be two volunteer groups in 2017:

Group 1: Tuesday 20 June –  Monday 31 July
Group 2: Sunday 6 August – Saturday 16 September

The cost to volunteer for six weeks is £1,675. Please note that this does not cover all travel expenses.

We allocate volunteer places on a first-come first-served basis, so it is essential you send your completed application (download from our website) as soon as possible. Please email us at Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar. if you have any questions.


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